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Safety and Security (Clery Act)

Safety and Security (Clery Act) Disclosures

Online Crime Reporting Hotline

Online Compliance Reporting Hotline

Transparency is one of the methods by which the University of Dallas seeks to improve the safety and security of our community, providing students, staff, faculty, and visitors with clear and easily accessible information about issues relating to the safety and security of our campus. Such information is also provided as part of the University's compliance with federal law, including the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, and its amendments and implementing regulations.

Safety and Security Contact Information

Contact Location Phone / Email Additional Information
University of Dallas Police Department Haggar Center, First Floor

(972) 265-5911
(972) 721-5305
City of Irving Police and Fire Departments   9-1-1  
Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Braniff Graduate Center, 132 (972) 721-5056
Office of Human Resources Cardinal Farrell Hall, First Floor (972) 721-5382
Office of Student Affairs Haggar Center, Second Floor (972) 721-5294


Safety and Security Programs

Campus Security  and Crime Prevention Programs

The University provides a variety of opportunities for students, faculty and staff to learn about security and crime prevention. Those opportunities include, but are not limited to,

  • All first year students are required to complete, prior to or during their first semester, the University’s program titled “Civil Rights and Sexual Violence: Reporting and Resources.” This program includes information on security and crime prevention.
  • All first year freshmen are required to attend orientation sessions, including one in which the University of Dallas Police Department is able to provide information about security procedures and practices.
  • All students who live on campus have hall meetings at the beginning of each semester, and as needed throughout the semester. The Resident Assistants use those meetings to discuss various policies and procedures, and to go over what to do and who to call in the case of an emergency.
  • All students who live on campus are provided in their residence hall room a red emergency procedures booklet.
  • All Resident Assistants are trained about security procedures and what to do in the case of an emergency. They receive the bulk of this training at the beginning of each semester, but it continues as needed throughout the semester.
  • Each year, all student organization officers and faculty/staff advisors are provided risk management training, which covers various University policies such as civil rights, hazing, alcohol, transportation, and what to do in an emergency. The risk management training is also provided to student programming interns on the Campus Activities Board, as well as other Student Affairs interns (including for recreational sports and student organizations).
  • All students receive a copy of the student handbook, via email, at the beginning of each semester. All employees receive a copy of the employee handbook at the beginning of their employment. Both the student and employee handbooks contain information about security and crime prevention.
  • All students and employees receive, via email, the University’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report or notice of its availability. The report includes information about security and crime prevention.

Drug and Alcohol Programs

The University provides a variety of opportunities for students, faculty and staff to learn about University policy, as well as state and federal law, on drug and alcohol abuse, the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, and the availability of resources to assist those who have been affected by drug or alcohol abuse. Those opportunities include, but are not limited to,

  • The Office of Student Affairs conducts events for Alcohol Education Week.
  • The Office of Student Affairs provides an Alcohol Education Workshop that is generally available to students, and is required for students who have violated the University’s alcohol policy for the first time.
  • The University provides access to mental health counseling and health services for students and employees.
  • On a case by case basis, students and employees who have violated the University’s Drug and Alcohol Policy may be required to have random drug testing.
  • All Resident Assistants are trained about drug and alcohol abuse issues. They receive the bulk of this training at the beginning of each semester, but it continues as needed throughout the semester.
  • Each year, all student organization officers and faculty/staff advisors are provided risk management training, which covers various University policies such as drug and alcohol abuse. The risk management training is also provided to student programming interns on the Campus Activities Board, as well as other Student Affairs interns (including for recreational sports and student organizations).
  • All students receive a copy of the student handbook at the beginning of each semester. All employees receive a copy of the employee handbook at the beginning of their employment. Both the student and employee handbooks contain information about drug and alcohol abuse.
  • All students and employees receive, via email, the University’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report or notice of its availability. The report includes information about drug and alcohol abuse.

Sexual Violence Prevention Programs

The University’s primary prevention program for new students is titled “Civil Rights and Sexual Violence: Reporting and Resources.” All new students are required to complete the online program before or during their first semester at the University of Dallas.

The University’s primary prevention program for new employees is titled “Sexual Harassment: Policy and Prevention,” which was developed by SafeColleges. The University is also in the process of developing a new, internally developed program. All new employees are required to complete the online program before or during their first month of employment at the University of Dallas.

The University also provides a variety of ongoing prevention and awareness campaigns. Those campaigns can vary from year to year, but typically include at least the following:

  • Annual in-person training for all students participating in intercollegiate athletics regarding University policy, Texas law, bystander intervention, risk reduction, and procedures and procedural rights.
  • Annual in-person training for the civil rights pool of faculty and staff who serve as investigators and decision-makers under the University Civil Rights Policy regarding University policy, Texas law, bystander intervention, risk reduction, and procedures and procedural rights.
  • Annual in-person training for the officers and faculty sponsors of clubs and student organizations on risk management, including, but not limited to, University policy, Texas law, bystander intervention, risk reduction, and procedures and procedural rights.
  • Annual in-person training for all resident assistants, campus activities board members, Rome coordinators, and student Rome residence assistants including, but not limited to, on University policy, Texas law, bystander intervention, risk reduction, and procedures and procedural rights.
  • Periodic Alcohol Education Workshops for students who have violated University policy, which includes, but is not limited to, on University policy, Texas law, bystander intervention, risk reduction, and procedures and procedural rights.

Fire Safety Programs

Basic fire safety instruction is provided to students during hall meetings at the beginning of each fall and spring semester. Residence hall staff members receive additional intensive and comprehensive fire safety training each fall. Fire Extinguisher training is offered to faculty, staff and students when requested.

In addition, emergency evacuation drills are conducted each fall and spring semester. The University uses the drills to both educate and remind the residents of the proper evacuation procedure and to survey the facility for any non-functional devices.

The evacuation drills are coordinated by the University of Dallas Police Department each fall and spring semester for all campus residential facilities. Thus, the emergency evacuation procedures are tested at least twice each year. Students learn the locations of the emergency exits in the buildings and are provided guidance about the direction they should travel when exiting each facility for a short-term building evacuation. UDPD does not tell residents in advance about the designated long-term evacuations because those decisions are affected by the time of day, location of the building being evacuated, the availability of the various designated emergency gathering locations on campus, and other factors such as the location and nature of the threat. In both cases, UDPD and Student Affairs staff on the scene will communicate information to students regarding the developing situation or any evacuation status changes.

The purpose of the drills is to prepare building occupants for an organized evacuation in case of an emergency. All fire drills are unannounced. These evacuation drills are used as a way to educate and train occupants on issues specific to their facility. During the drill, occupants “practice” drill procedures and familiarize themselves with the location of exits and the sound of the fire alarm. In addition to educating the occupants of each building about the evacuation procedures during the drills, the process also provides the University an opportunity to test the operation of the fire alarm system components. Any deficient equipment is noted so that appropriate repairs can be performed.

Additionally, students receive emergency information and procedures during their hall meetings.


Safety and Security Incidents and Information

Crime and Fire Log

The University of Dallas Police Department maintains a daily crime and fire log, that includes (1) reports of various crimes that may have occurred on or near the University campus; and (2) information about fires that have occurred in on-campus student housing facilities.

Annual Fire Safety and Security Report

Each Fall, the University issues an annual fire safety and security report that provides information regarding safety and security issues from the previous academic year.

You can find the most recent, as well as historical, fire safety and security reports online. Hyperlinks within the reports may no longer be current, as many of them are controlled by third parties (e.g., the State of Texas) and are only checked when the report is being prepared and published.

You can also request a paper copy from the University Compliance Officer at (972) 721-5120.

Crime Statistics

The University provides tabulated statistics regarding reports of various crimes that may have occurred on or near the University campus.

Fire Statistics

The University provides tabulated statistics regarding fires that occurred in on-campus student housing during the prior three academic years.

Fire Safety Systems

All residence halls located on the main (Irving) campus of the University of Dallas have fire safety systems that the Campus Safety staff monitors 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

In addition, the University has installed approximately 12 automated external defibrillators (AEDs) throughout campus buildings. UDPD inspects and maintains each unit. Defibrillators will provide a lifesaving electrical shock to victims in cardiac arrest, and can be operated without any training or previous experience. However, AED and CPR training opportunities are available through the UDPD by attending a scheduled class or upon request. UDPD vehicles also carry the devices during patrol in order to provide a timely response.

Texas Sex Offender Registry

Pursuant to Section 121 of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, the State of Texas maintains a sex offender registry. The registry may be found online at

If you would like to compare the registry as to information regarding the area around the University, the University of Dallas is located in Dallas County with a zip code of 75062.


Safety and Security Policies and Procedures

Safety and Security Policy

The Safety and Security Policy includes information relating to crime and emergency reporting, emergency response and evacuation procedures, missing student notification procedures, safety and access to buildings policies, law enforcement policies, and policies regarding off-campus criminal activity.

Drug and Alcohol Policy

The Drug and Alcohol Policy includes information about University policy prohibiting the illegal use of drugs and alcohol and setting policy regarding permitted possession and consumption of alcohol.

Civil Rights Policy

The Civil Rights Policy includes information regarding a wide variety of civil rights protections available to the University community, including the prohibition on sexual violence and notice of the availability of various resources for victims of sexual violence. You can also find additional information on the web pages for the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX:
